Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by
The Broke and the Bookish :D Every week a different topic comes up and bloggers list their top ten books in that category. This weeks list consists of my Fall To Be Read List.. To be honest this list is a mile long, and I read like there's no tomorrow. So some of the list will be a whole series.
1. The Chemical Garden Series I just picked up Wither from the bookstore yesterday. This series has been on my TBR List forever! I love the premise of the book and am sure I will love the series!
2. The Goddess Test I have been wanting to read this series for a while. Netgalley has given me an even bigger reason to hurry and read The Goddess test.. I have an ARC of both the Goddess Interrupted and Goddess Legacy! I need to get on the ball with this series!
3. The Iron Fae Series I have heard great things about this series, and can't wait to get started reading. I have an ARC of The Lost Prince, and granted it's a separate series, I want the background info first.
4. The Evolution of Mara Dyer I cannot wait to see whats in store for Mara and Noah! I loved the first book and am patiently awaiting for this!
5. Destroy Me Granted, this is only a novella.. but I am super excited to read it! I thought that Shatter Me was in a league of its own, and very much feel that the novella will be AMAZING!
6. Cursed I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's writing. I know this book will be awesome!
7. Origin I got this book from Netgalley for review. It definitely sounds intriguing, and I hope it'll be a good one!!!
8. Diety I have heard lots of great reviews for this book. I cannot wait for it to come out! I love-love this series! Aiden <3!
9. Speechless I got this from Netgalley for review. I have heard great things about this one as well.
10. Existence Series I bought the first two books in this series on Friday. They are definitely on the top of the TBR list!